Monday, June 15, 2015

Bouncing Back from a Bad GPA

I went back to school and I believe my science GPA was somewhere around a 1.6. I started off taking chemistry I and biology I at a community college. Thinking back, I believe I struggled more with those freshman courses than I did with my current course load (histology, biochem/molecular biology of the gene, and medical bacteriology). The hard part in that first semester back was just figuring out how to study. All the way up to the age of twenty eight I did not know how to study. Once I figured that out, all of my classes were cake (by cake I mean a lot of work but at least I knew what I needed to do). My 1.6 GPA went to a little over 2.9 at the beginning of the application cycle to over 3 just after. I do believe you need a really good DAT score to be competitive if your GPA is lacking. It was a pretty big risk, I had somewhere around $20,000 in debt for school, spent around two thousand applying (not interviewing, just applying), around a thousand flying to the interviews, was living with my parents, no job but, in the end, got a place at my top choice. It is a lot of work, a lot of money, sooo time consuming but completely worth it if you know this is what you want to do.


  1. Congrats on getting in! I was wondering if you did post-bacc/masters or if you applied as an undergrad?

    1. Thanks! Post-bacc: I went back and got a bachelor's in bio, I had a lot of failed sci credits to make up for.
